We will create a world-class research environment by:
At the Springfield Research University, our aim is to address the biggest challenges of the day to create better environments in communities around the region, continent and the world. From molecular biology, robotic legs to industry 4.0, research at SRU crosses disciplines and illuminates new concepts.
- Creating University Research Institutes, University Research Centers, and University Research Networks based on our existing and developing research strengths and societal need. These will be under continuous review, flexed to align with our strengths, and will enable focused investment.
- Building upon our discipline strengths to attract and retain the best talent, train future researchers and shape the disciplines nationally, regionally and internationally. Based on these strengths we will significantly increase our interdisciplinary research to address future socio-economic global challenges.
- Encouraging our research community to collaborate across the world, maintaining an agile approach to individual and research groups partnerships, and grow and invest in a small number strategic international partnerships with leading institutions.
- Significantly increasing our individual partnerships, supporting funded collaborative research.
- Hosting Centers for Doctoral Training and develop collaborative doctoral programmes with strategic partners, support research in our faculties and in our University Research Institutes.
A Statement of Value for Research and Innovation at SRU
SRU endeavours to attract the best researchers from all over the world, and develop our staff and research students to become world-leaders in disciplinary, and interdisciplinary research and innovation. Ultimately, our aim is to produce world-leading research outputs as assessed by our peers, with a clear and disciplined focus on global and local economic and societal impact. We will ensure that our research is accessible by adherence to recognised open science principles.
To support our researchers at every stage of their careers we will:
- Attract world-class research talent from all corners of the world, and grow and develop our own.
- Support researchers to work across disciplinary, organisational and geographical boundaries.
- Lead innovation in doctoral education and support, developing and significantly increasing our PhD student population and welcoming funded full and part-time students from traditional and alternative routes.
- Support researchers to significantly increase external research income, and invest in targeted areas, including through our University Institutes, that align with national and international strategic priorities to maximise impact.
- Ensure all our researchers are supported to be leaders in their fields, through investment in leadership, management and supervision training.
University Partnerships
Springfield Research University’s partnerships with other universities and education providers around the country and the world benefit our students, teachers, researchers and communities. Let’s work together.
Academic Partnerships
Springfield Research University partners with other institutions to provide rich learning experiences for students in Eswatini, SADC and overseas. We engage with a broad range of international academic institutions to develop sustainable and multi-faceted partnerships that deliver quality learning, research and community engagement.
At home, our faculty partnerships enhance student learning, work experience opportunities and collaborative research.
Research Partnerships
Springfield Research University’s Institutes and Strategic Research Centres collaborate with universities and organisations around the world on global issues such as climate change, food security and renewable energy.
These partnerships provide opportunities to work across countries and disciplines and give students the chance to expand their research and learning horizons.
- Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Robotics
- Telemedicine, Smart Healthcare and Biomedical Engineering
- Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Hypertension and HIV/AIDS
- Smart Cities, Internet of Things (IoT), IIoT, IoMT and Big Data
- Molecular & Cellular Medicine, Nanomaterials & Nanomedicine
- Neurosciences, Biological Sciences and Mental Health
- Next-Generation Computing, Cybersecurity and Cyberterrorism
- Homeland Biodefense, Biowarfare and Bioterrorism
- Biotechnology, Gene Editing and Genetic Engineering
- Psychedelics, Cannabis and Cannabinoids
Support Our Research
Today’s world presents us with many challenges, but we’re inviting you to be a part of the solution. Springfield Research University’s researchers are working on some of humanity’s most pressing problems. Your donation will allow our experts to carry on developing world-class solutions for positive change.